Veronica Tantric Massage Experience.
You may know a little about massage and may wonder what the difference between holistic massage and Tantric massage is. Holistic massage is a general massage about bringing relaxation to the physical body. A Tantric massage is a full body massage using breath techniques to heighten pleasure, tantric control and a whole journey of different sensation, it is a very erotic yet profoundly spiritual experience. Tantra knows no bounds, it is not only a massage but a unique journey and each experience with me will be bespoke to your need.
Tantric Massage will include a variety of different sensations such as breath, kisses, feathers and a beautiful sensual massage with body 2 body, so you can experience melting and gliding in a blissful and harmonising exchange of pleasure.
Tantra massage work with your sexual energy, I will teach you to move and harness this energy, this is often a reason why men choose a tantric massage as it helps develop your muscles and strengthen control, this in turn can help to overcome premature ejaculation.
I am available from Monday to Friday
I am looking forward to meet you.
Goddess Veronica